An excellent and healthy life may be contributed by the level of education that the society has. Over the previous decades, life expectancy in the USA has increased. It was partially attributed to the quality of education that is being offered across all states. According to the researchers that have been conducted by Harvard medical school and Harvard University, individuals with more than twelve years of education have longer life expectancy as compared to those who never go beyond high school. Our friends, a team of professional essay writers from who provide students with paper writing help online shared the following academic article about the relationship between level of education and longevity. Thus the primary objective of this research essay is to review evidence on the fact that the level of education of an individual has impacts on their longevity. Term “education” is used not only as the process of learning something but also as the level at which you receive quality information and can process it.
Education affects longevity
People with higher education live longer irrespective of the type of education they have.
There are so many benefits that are associated with education that help in the longevity of the individual. The most apparent explanations that link between health and education are that schooling gives out interests that later provide the recipient with better outcomes regarding health. Some of those returns are good eating habits as well as higher earnings. It is expected that people with higher education will be able to make policies that will improve their health conditions. An example of this is how to reduce pollution which may pose a threat to their life. Thus education will make them live longer without health issues that are from pollution.
Education may provide specific benefits that may prolong the longevity of the person. It contributes to human potential by equipping them with cognitive skills, leaning efficiency, as well as personal control. Those capabilities may be used to check how longevity and education-related. Personality traits are also part of the skills that are associated with human success that takes place later in their life (longevity and education are part of this success). There are factors that influence personality including emotional stability, conscientiousness, and extraversion, to name a few. There are three ways in which individuals’ personalities may impact mortality. This includes the process of a disease such as how one responds to stress, health-related behaviors as well as reaction to illness. It is believed that the strength of unity between mortality and the dominant personality traits is equivalent to that of IQ and stronger than socioeconomic status. Even though enduring those skills may also be mutable. It has been proven that education helps in strengthening our skills. This is most impotent for the children who are born areas that are disadvantaged area
Personal control as a basic skill for a successful education
Personal control is another skill that is related to the attainment of education. Education helps an individual to develop the ability to gather as well as interpret the information. In this, they can solve problems on different levels. Thus, they can control situations and events as well as outcomes in life. As an added advantage with advanced education, one can solve even complex challenges. It improves problem–solving skills and also the confidence to deal with issues. In addition, individual behaviors, as well as attitude, may be impacted by personal control. With higher education, one can control stress which will facilitate longevity. It may be clear that a well-educated person may not be overwhelmed by events and as a result, he or she may have a long life to live as compared to an educated person. Conversely, if one does not have personal control, it may suppress the immune system that cuts down longevity. Such actions will result in the reduction of the lifespan of an individual and can only be reduced by raising the level of education.

Education has a direct impact on personal health behaviors that will determine their longevity. It is unlikely for an adult who has higher education to engage in health-destroying habits like drinking and smoking. People with advanced learning are expected to practice healthy behaviors which include a regular healthy diet as well as regular exercise. According to data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health- NSDUH-, in the year 2014 to 2015, 35% of the adults who never graduated from high school were smokers. This is compared with 30% of those who graduated from high school and 13% of those who had graduated from colleges. Those impacts on health behaviors probably stem from the socioeconomic status as well as education impact on skills. With this data, it is clear that those with higher education can avoid poor lifestyle. Thus their longevity will be hired as compared to those who have a low level of education.
As education advances, so does the opportunity to learn more about health and health risks. This is done through health education that is in the curriculum. They can absorb some of the crucial lifestyle choices to manage or prevent diseases. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, intake specific nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and the quality of the diet are associated with education. With a quality diet, one can extend his life. Also, according to Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data of the year 2015, 62% of grown-ups who have not graduated from high school and 70% of high school graduates accepted that thirty days before the interview was conducted, they were involved in exercises. This may be compared with 87% of the population of those who graduated from hire institutions who were performing the task. From this, it can be drawn that those who exercise more are likely to live more as compared to those who do not. Therefore, the longevity of the more educated people is still higher than those who are not. It is important to note that not all behavioral risk factors are more top among the less educated people. In 2016, BRFSS indicated that the prevalence of drinking increased with a high level of education. In this case, low educated people are likely to have high longevity as compared to an educated one.
Grown-ups with advanced education may be a list expected to be affected by stress that may result in depression. Even when they have stress, they have better skills to manage them as compared with those who are not educated. Due to better payment, educated people will have better socioeconomic income that will help them in living a lifestyle that is healthy. Better ways of managing stress will result in increased longevity of the individual. In addition, with healthy living, longevity will be improved, and most of the educated people will be able to have a longer life.
No advancement without economic empowerment
Economic empowerment is a critical feature that will help in the longevity of individuals. Adults who have acquired higher education have essential advantages in attainment of employment as well as finding popular occupations. Advanced education gives employees added advantage in getting rewarding positions which not only offers a better salary but also provides quality health covers that will ensure that one gets quality treatment in case of emergency. An example is that American citizen who is insured is more likely to visit a physician and get services that will give him better health outcomes as compared to those who do not have any insurance cover. Thus the longevity of those who are not insured will be less as compared to those who are insured. In addition, a person who never gets required health services is likely to die even prematurely. Low education will increase the risk of unemployment, in the year 2012; the rate of unemployment was 12.4 % among the people who never graduate from high school. This is compared to 8.3% among adults who graduated from high school and 4.5% graduated from college. In 2015, the majority of those who were employed were recorded to have a perfect health cover that gives the best quality health care. Thus their longevity was expected to be more as compared to those who were not employed. With this, it is clear that those with less education will have fewer opportunities and thus their health cover will below.
The wealth and income that is emanated from a good education are some of the leading forecasters of health status. Today, economic empowerment is directly associated with education. By the year 2012, the average salary for a college alumnus was two times that of a high school dropout and more than one and a half that of a high school graduate. The weekly earnings are higher for those who graduated from colleges as compared to the rest of the people. Thus those who have acquired education are at a better place as compared to those who never go past high school. Therefore, the longevity of those who are educated is higher as compared to those who are not educated.
Education and healthy lifestyle
In this, it is clear that the longevity of those who are educated is higher as compared to those who are not educated or those who are partially educated. Those with higher education can access information on good health, and thus they can live a healthy lifestyle, therefore, they can avoid health challenges. With such information, they can prolong their longevity. Also, the classes of educated people are the one who is able to secure best-paid jobs. With the best salaries, they can eat healthy food that will prevent them from diseases and also ensure that they eat only fresh food. More to this, with better wages, they can purchase the best health policies that will ensure that they get quality health care indeed. Also, they can visit physicians for a regular checkups. If there is any condition that is developing it will be noticed in advance, and required medication is provided. Thus their longevity is increased as compared to low educated people. As a matter of fact, those who have higher education are more advantaged when it comes to longevity as compared with those who are not by all means.