Cloud – Techdee Technology News Sun, 17 Mar 2024 01:59:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cloud – Techdee 32 32 5 Good Reasons to Move from On-Premise to Cloud Storage Wed, 17 Jan 2024 01:13:35 +0000 Did you know that 90% of large enterprises now use a multi-cloud infrastructure? You’re not impressed? What if we tell you that over half of IT decision-makers say multi-cloud helps them achieve their business goals? That’s right. Cloud gives them efficiency, security, and flexibility to grow.  But just because top players are using it, does […]

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Did you know that 90% of large enterprises now use a multi-cloud infrastructure? You’re not impressed? What if we tell you that over half of IT decision-makers say multi-cloud helps them achieve their business goals? That’s right. Cloud gives them efficiency, security, and flexibility to grow. 

But just because top players are using it, does that mean that cloud storage is a good solution for every business? Absolutely, it is. Here are the top five practical benefits that prove that. 

Cost-Efficiency & Simplified Maintenance

There’s a simple reason why migrating to the cloud is so much cheaper than building and maintaining an on-premise infrastructure: hardware. Technology evolves fast, but it also breaks down. Sooner or later, businesses with on-premise storage must replace and update their hardware

Building an infrastructure is a huge upfront investment in and by itself. Even so, the initial investment is usually not enough. As your business scales, so do its computing and storage needs, which all take heavy investment on top of existing and added rent, electricity, and equipment costs. 

There’s one other reason to invest in cloud migration services. While on-premise infrastructure requires constant on-premise maintenance that is costly and can interfere with daily operations, the provider typically maintains the cloud through so-called managed cloud services.

Accessibility, Interoperability, Integration

Unless your business is a team of two or three people, and you intend to keep it that way, you’ll need the cloud for accessibility reasons. Hybrid and remote work are here to stay and to mutual satisfaction. They lower the operational costs for businesses and increase employee productivity. 

In addition to making your company systems and data available to everyone on the team 24/7, no matter where they are – which enables teamwork and real-time collaboration – cloud computing offers other benefits like integration with other systems and company-wide cohesion. 

All these things improve efficiency, which is a precursor for growth. Flexible work models, facilitated teamwork, real-time syncing and document sharing, and an integrated approach to everyday task management are like clogs in a machine that never has to shut down or move. 

Real-Time Insight & Competitive Advantage

Remote accessibility and real-time collaboration improve efficiency, which is key in every business and industry. However, some businesses and industries demand more. Take fintech as an example. In highly volatile markets like this, access to real-time insights gives you a huge advantage. 

Earlier, we mentioned integrations as one of the most significant benefits of cloud computing and storage. Cloud providers offer integrations with various business platforms, including various analytical tools. That saves you the time and money you’d have to spend adopting software. 

Furthermore, the cloud allows you to deploy applications and services faster, which helps streamline innovation and product releases. With scalable resources on demand, your business can quickly adapt to market demands and reduce time-to-market for your products and services. 

Data Security & Faster Disaster Recovery 

Whenever someone suggests migrating to the cloud, the question on everyone’s mind is – is it safe? While this is definitely one of the biggest concerns when it comes to data storage, providers are taking extreme measures to keep cybercriminals at bay, and successfully so. 

Meanwhile, businesses that decide to keep all their data in one physical location with no cloud backup present an easy target. Unlike cloud providers, they don’t have dedicated teams that continuously monitor and update security protocols to defend against emerging threats. 

Cloud is such a popular backup option because it offers faster disaster recovery. In the event of a data breach or natural disaster, businesses can quickly recover their data without causing any downtime in the process. That’s critical for business continuity. 

Flexibility That Enables Businesses to Scale

Cost-effectiveness, real-time accessibility, and fast disaster recovery are the three main ways cloud computing and storage ensure business flexibility. Cloud providers offer “pay for what you need” models that minimize storage costs, especially for businesses with seasonal needs. 

As explained earlier, 24/7 accessibility boosts collaboration, productivity, and efficiency. Businesses that don’t hit these objectives never scale. A company cannot be competitive by today’s standards without the ability to provide remote teamwork opportunities and instant service deployment. 

Though often overlooked, disaster recovery is just as crucial for scalability. Growing businesses must be ready to handle increasing amounts of data, as well as recover from data loss very fast. On-premise storage solutions just can’t scale efficiently enough to support modern business growth. 


Should you move your business to the cloud? You have at least five good reasons to do so, so if you want to grow your company while also saving some money, it has a clear advantage over on-premise solutions. When your company reaches a stalemate, data migration is the best move. 

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The Basics of Data Integration Mon, 13 Nov 2023 20:12:43 +0000 The volume of data generated by businesses and organizations is staggering. This data comes from various sources, such as websites, mobile apps, sensors, and databases. To make sense of this data and derive valuable insights, data integration plays a crucial role. Data integration is the process of combining and harmonizing data from different sources into […]

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The volume of data generated by businesses and organizations is staggering. This data comes from various sources, such as websites, mobile apps, sensors, and databases. To make sense of this data and derive valuable insights, data integration plays a crucial role. Data integration is the process of combining and harmonizing data from different sources into a unified, coherent view. It enables organizations to access, analyze, and use their data effectively, ultimately leading to informed decision-making and improved efficiency.

What is Data Integration?

Data integration is like a puzzle where you gather pieces from different sources to create a complete picture. Imagine a company that tracks sales through its website, records customer interactions in a CRM system, and monitors inventory in an ERP system. These systems generate data independently, making it challenging to gain a comprehensive understanding of the business. Data integration bridges the gap by pulling information from these disparate sources and transforming it into a format that can be easily analyzed and utilized.

Why Data Integration Matters

Data integration is essential for several reasons. First, it enhances data accuracy and consistency. When data is scattered across various systems, errors and inconsistencies are more likely to occur. Integrating data ensures that there is a single, reliable source of truth. Second, it promotes efficiency. Without data integration, employees may spend valuable time manually gathering and reconciling data from different sources. With integrated data, this process is automated, freeing up time for more strategic tasks.

Third, data integration supports better decision-making. When data is unified and accessible, organizations can analyze it more comprehensively, leading to more informed decisions. For example, a retailer can analyze sales data alongside inventory levels to optimize stock management. Fourth, data integration facilitates compliance and reporting. Many industries have regulations that require accurate and auditable data. Data integration ensures that the necessary data is readily available for compliance purposes.

Types of Data Integration

There are various approaches to data integration, depending on the specific needs and requirements of an organization. Here are some common types:

Batch Integration: In batch integration, data is collected, transformed, and loaded (ETL) at scheduled intervals. This approach is suitable for scenarios where near-real-time data is not critical, such as daily or weekly reports.

Real-time Integration: Real-time integration, also known as event-driven integration, processes and transfers data immediately as it is generated. It is ideal for situations where timely information is crucial, such as stock trading or monitoring IoT devices.

Data Virtualization: Data virtualization creates a virtual layer over various data sources, allowing users to access and query data as if it were in a single location. It is a useful approach when organizations want to minimize the physical movement of data.

Data Warehousing: Data warehousing involves the extraction, transformation, and loading of data into a central data repository. This repository, or data warehouse, stores historical data for analysis and reporting.

Data Federation: Data federation combines data from multiple sources in real-time without physically moving it. It provides a unified view of data without the need for a centralized data store.

Challenges in Data Integration

While data integration offers numerous benefits, it is not without its challenges. One significant challenge is data quality. When integrating data from various sources, inconsistencies, duplicates, and inaccuracies can arise. Organizations must implement data quality measures and cleansing processes to address these issues.

Another challenge is data security and privacy. Integrating data from different sources may expose sensitive information to unauthorized access. Robust security measures and data encryption are essential to mitigate these risks.

Interoperability is also a concern. Not all systems and data formats are easily compatible. Data integration solutions must be able to handle various data types and formats, requiring the use of standardized protocols and data transformation techniques.

Finally, scalability can be a challenge. As organizations grow and their data volumes increase, data integration solutions must be able to handle the additional load. Scalability considerations should be part of the initial design and architecture of data integration systems.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, data integration is the process of bringing together data from disparate sources to create a unified and coherent view of information. It is a fundamental aspect of modern business operations, enabling organizations to improve data accuracy, efficiency, decision-making, compliance, and reporting. Different types of data integration approaches, such as batch integration, real-time integration, data virtualization, data warehousing, and data federation, cater to various business needs.

While data integration offers substantial benefits, it also presents challenges related to data quality, security, interoperability, and scalability. Organizations must address these challenges through careful planning, robust data management practices, and the use of advanced data integration technologies. In today’s data-driven world, mastering data integration is essential for staying competitive and making informed decisions.

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Using the Cloud? 5 Reasons Your Business Needs Amazon FSx Mon, 06 Nov 2023 22:18:30 +0000 As your business grows and your data expands, managing it can become a challenging task. Amazon FSx is Amazon Web Services’ fully managed file storage service, designed to provide fast, scalable, and secure file storage for your cloud applications and workloads. With Amazon FSx, you don’t have to concern yourself with the administrative overhead of […]

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As your business grows and your data expands, managing it can become a challenging task. Amazon FSx is Amazon Web Services’ fully managed file storage service, designed to provide fast, scalable, and secure file storage for your cloud applications and workloads.

With Amazon FSx, you don’t have to concern yourself with the administrative overhead of setting up and maintaining file systems. Amazon FSx handles time-consuming infrastructure tasks like hardware provisioning, software configuration, patching, and backups.

Amazon FSx offers two file systems to choose from – Amazon FSx for Windows File Server and Amazon FSx for Lustre. The former is ideal for a broad range of use cases, including web serving, content management, and data analytics, while the latter is designed for compute-intensive workloads.

5 Reasons Your Business Needs Amazon FSx


With Amazon FSx, you pay only for the storage and throughput you provision, with no upfront costs or long-term commitments. Amazon FSx also allows you to save costs by automatically scaling down during periods of low demand.

With FSx for Lustre, you can store your data on cost-effective Amazon S3 and only use FSx for Lustre to process the data when needed. This way, you pay for high-performance file storage only when you’re actively using it.

Data Integrity and Fault Tolerance

Amazon FSx automatically replicates data across multiple Availability Zones (AZs) to ensure data integrity and fault tolerance. It also continuously monitors and repairs any detected issues, without any impact on your file system’s availability or performance.

Furthermore, Amazon FSx offers daily automated backups that are retained for 35 days. You can restore data from these backups at any point within the retention period, giving you peace of mind against data loss.

Performance and Scalability

Amazon FSx lets you scale your storage capacity and throughput independently, giving you the flexibility to meet your business-specific requirements.

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server supports up to 64 TiB of data and millions of IOPS, while Amazon FSx for Lustre can scale to hundreds of GB/s of throughput. Also, with FSx for Lustre, you can process data directly from Amazon S3, eliminating the need for time-consuming data copy operations.

Compliance and Security

Amazon FSx is designed to meet the highest security standards and compliance requirements. It supports in-transit and at-rest encryption, ensuring your data is secure both while it’s stored and as it’s being transmitted.

Amazon FSx is compliant with a wide array of global compliance standards, including PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and GDPR. It also integrates with AWS Key Management Service (KMS) for managing encryption keys, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for controlling access to your file systems.

Protocol Versatility

One of the significant benefits of Amazon FSx is its protocol versatility. It supports both the SMB protocol for Windows-based applications and the NFS protocol for Linux-based applications. This means your applications, regardless of their operating system, can seamlessly access file data stored on Amazon FSx.

Amazon FSx also integrates with Active Directory, allowing you to enforce your existing security and access controls. This level of protocol versatility makes Amazon FSx an ideal solution for businesses looking to migrate their on-premises applications to the cloud.

Best Practices to Use AWS FSx Effectively

Use Multi-AZ Deployments

Multi-AZ deployments are crucial for mission-critical applications. By replicating your data across multiple Availability Zones, Amazon FSx ensures high availability and fault tolerance. In the event of a failure in one zone, Amazon FSx automatically fails over to another zone, minimizing downtime and data loss.

Use Provisioned Throughput

Amazon FSx allows you to provision throughput independent of storage capacity. If your workload requires high throughput, you can opt for FSx’s provisioned throughput capability. This way, you can achieve the high-speed data access your applications need, without over-provisioning storage capacity.


Controlling who can access your file systems is essential for data security. With AWS IAM, you can enforce fine-grained access control, allowing only authorized users to access your Amazon FSx file systems. You can also use AWS IAM to manage permissions for Amazon FSx actions, like creating or deleting file systems.

Place FSx and Workloads in the Same VPC

For best performance, place your Amazon FSx file system and your workloads in the same Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). This will reduce the network latency between your applications and the file system, leading to faster data access and improved application performance.

Use Amazon CloudWatch for Monitoring

Monitoring your file systems’ usage and performance can help you optimize your resources and troubleshoot issues. Amazon FSx integrates with Amazon CloudWatch, allowing you to monitor a wide array of metrics, like storage and throughput utilization, I/O operations, and file system health. By keeping an eye on these metrics, you can ensure your file systems are performing optimally.

In conclusion, Amazon FSx is a powerful, flexible, and secure file storage solution for your cloud applications and workloads. By understanding its features and following the best practices, you can make the most out of your Amazon FSx investment.

Author Bio: Gilad David Maayan

Gilad David Maayan is a technology writer who has worked with over 150 technology companies including SAP, Imperva, Samsung NEXT, NetApp, and Check Point, producing technical and thought leadership content that elucidates technical solutions for developers and IT leadership. Today he heads Agile SEO, the leading marketing agency in the technology industry.


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Azure Cost Management: A Practical Guide Sun, 10 Sep 2023 11:23:56 +0000 The accelerating adoption of cloud services has led organizations to reevaluate their operational expenses. While cloud computing offers unprecedented scalability and flexibility, its financial aspects can be tricky. You can easily find yourself lost in the myriad of services, resource allocations, and billing models.  For users of Microsoft Azure, the world’s second-largest cloud provider, you […]

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The accelerating adoption of cloud services has led organizations to reevaluate their operational expenses. While cloud computing offers unprecedented scalability and flexibility, its financial aspects can be tricky. You can easily find yourself lost in the myriad of services, resource allocations, and billing models. 

For users of Microsoft Azure, the world’s second-largest cloud provider, you can gain clarity and optimize your spending with Azure Cost Management. This is a free tool that offers features like cost analysis, budgets, cost alerts, and pricing calculators. In this article, we’ll explore practical steps for setting up, organizing resources, and monitoring costs effectively with Azure Cost Management. 

Whether you are new to Azure or a seasoned cloud professional, this guide will help you make every dollar you invest in Azure count, ensuring you manage Azure costs in line with your financial objectives.

What Is Azure Cost Management? 

Azure Cost Management is a suite of tools and services offered by Microsoft Azure, designed to help you monitor and optimize your cloud spending. These tools provide insights and recommendations that empower you to understand your spending patterns, identify opportunities for savings, and make informed decisions about your cloud resources.

As a part of Azure Cost Management, you get access to various features like cost analysis, budgets, cost alerts, and a pricing calculator, among others. These tools not only provide visibility into your cloud costs but also offer actionable insights to optimize your spending. Moreover, Azure Cost Management supports multiple types of accounts and subscriptions, making it a versatile solution for businesses of all sizes.

It’s important to note that Azure Cost Management is not just about tracking costs. It’s about creating a culture of cost efficiency in your organization. With Azure Cost Management, you can ensure that your cloud spending is aligned with your business objectives, and every cent you spend on the cloud delivers value to your business.

Key Concepts and Services in Azure Cost Management 

Cost Analysis

Cost analysis is a feature of Azure Cost Management that provides detailed insights into your cloud spending. It allows you to view your spending data in various ways, helping you understand where your money is going and identify opportunities for savings.

With cost analysis, you can analyze your spending by resource, location, service, and more. You can also view your spending trends over time, helping you identify patterns and predict future costs. Moreover, cost analysis provides recommendations for cost optimization, such as identifying unused resources that you can decommission to save money.


In Azure Cost Management, the Budgets feature allows you to set spending limits for your resources and monitor your spending against these limits.

By setting a budget, you can ensure that your spending stays within your financial constraints. You can set budgets at various levels—for a single resource, a resource group, or your entire subscription. Once you set a budget, Azure Cost Management tracks your spending against it and alerts you when you’re approaching or have exceeded your budget. This can help you avoid unexpected costs and keep your cloud spending under control.

Cost Alerts

Cost alerts are another feature of Azure Cost Management. They allow you to set up notifications that alert you when your spending exceeds a certain threshold.

With cost alerts, you can stay on top of your cloud costs and react quickly to any unexpected spending. You can set up alerts for various scenarios, such as when your spending exceeds your budget, when a particular resource’s cost increases significantly, or when your spending on a particular service exceeds a certain amount. Cost alerts provide a proactive way to manage your cloud costs and prevent cost overruns.

Pricing calculator

The pricing calculator is an essential tool in Azure Cost Management. It allows you to estimate the cost of Azure resources before you deploy them, helping you make informed decisions about your cloud investments.

With the pricing calculator, you can compare the cost of different resources and configurations, helping you choose the most cost-effective option. You can also estimate the cost of moving your existing resources to Azure, helping you assess the financial implications of a cloud migration.

Setting Up Azure Cost Management 

1. Accessing Cost Management in the Azure Portal

Accessing Azure Cost Management is straightforward. Once you log into the Azure portal, you can find Cost Management in the left-hand navigation menu. Clicking on it will take you to the Cost Management dashboard, where you can access all the features and tools mentioned above.

The dashboard provides a high-level overview of your cloud spending, with various charts and graphs showing your spending patterns. From here, you can drill down into more detailed views, like cost analysis, budgets, and cost alerts.

2. Configuring Cost Management Settings

Once you’re in the Cost Management dashboard, you need to configure your settings to match your needs. This involves setting your currency, choosing the scope of your cost management (whether you want to manage costs at the resource, resource group, or subscription level), and deciding how you want to allocate costs (based on usage, reservation, or savings).

You can also set up cost alerts to notify you when your spending exceeds certain limits and create budgets to ensure that your spending stays within your financial constraints.

3. Organizing Resources Using Resource Groups and Tags

Organizing your resources effectively is key to efficient cost management. Azure allows you to group your resources into resource groups, which you can then manage as a single unit. This makes it easier to track and manage your costs, as you can allocate costs at the resource group level and see how much each group is costing you.

In addition to resource groups, Azure also supports tagging, which allows you to assign labels to your resources. You can use tags to categorize your resources in different ways, such as by department, project, or environment. This further enhances your cost tracking and management capabilities, as you can analyze your costs by tag and see how much each category is costing you.

Creating and Enforcing Budgets in Azure 

Steps to Establish a Budget

The first step towards effective cost management in Azure is establishing a well-structured budget. Azure makes it quite easy for businesses to create and enforce budgets.

To get started, you’ll need to navigate to the Azure portal’s Cost Management and Billing section. Here, you’ll find an option to add a new budget. When you click on this, you’ll be able to specify the scope of your budget, which can either be an entire subscription or a specific resource group.

Next, you’ll need to define your budget parameters. This includes setting the amount you’re willing to spend, the time period for the budget, and any other conditions that need to be met for the budget to be enforced. 

Azure allows you to create multiple budgets, each with its own unique set of conditions. This gives you the flexibility to manage your costs in a way that best suits your business needs.

Setting Up Notifications for Budgetary Limits

Creating a budget is a great first step, but it’s not enough. You’ll also need to keep a close eye on your cloud expenditure to make sure you’re not going over budget. This is where Azure’s budget notifications come in handy.

These notifications are designed to alert you whenever your spending comes close to or exceeds your budget. You can set up these alerts to be triggered at different points of your budget consumption, such as when you’ve used up 50%, 80%, or 100% of your budget.

Setting up these notifications is a straightforward process. You simply need to go to the Budgets section in the Azure console, select the budget for which you want to set up an alert, and then specify the threshold at which you want to be notified. Once you’ve done this, you can rest easy knowing that Azure will keep you informed about your cloud spending.

Monitoring and Analyzing Costs with Azure 

Using Azure Cost Management’s Cost Analysis Tools

Aside from budgeting, Azure Cost Management also offers powerful cost analysis, which can identify areas where you might be overspending and uncover opportunities for savings. With these tools, you can view your costs by resource, location, service, and even by tags. This granular visibility into your spending patterns can provide valuable insights that can be used to drive cost optimization efforts.

For instance, you can use Azure’s cost analysis tools to identify which resources are consuming the most of your budget. If you find that a particular resource is costing you more than it should, you can take steps to optimize it and bring your costs down.

Identifying Trends, Anomalies, and Overspend

In addition to providing detailed cost breakdowns, Azure’s cost analysis tools can also help you identify trends, anomalies, and overspending in your cloud spending. 

For example, if your spending on a particular service suddenly spikes, Azure can alert you to this anomaly. This can allow you to investigate the issue and take corrective action before it spirals out of control.

Similarly, Azure can help you identify trends in your cloud spending. By analyzing your spending data over time, Azure can uncover patterns and trends that could be indicative of underlying issues. For instance, if you notice a steady increase in your costs over several months, this could be a sign that you need to revisit your cost optimization strategies.

In conclusion, Azure Cost Management is a powerful tool that can help businesses effectively manage their cloud spending. By leveraging its robust budgeting and cost analysis capabilities, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their cloud costs and make informed decisions that drive cost efficiency. 

Author Bio: Gilad David Maayan


Gilad David Maayan is a technology writer who has worked with over 150 technology companies including SAP, Imperva, Samsung NEXT, NetApp, and Check Point, producing technical and thought leadership content that elucidates technical solutions for developers and IT leadership. Today he heads Agile SEO, the leading marketing agency in the technology industry.


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Cloud Elasticity: Pros, Cons, and Purpose Thu, 18 May 2023 15:38:21 +0000 In today’s rapidly and constantly evolving digital landscape, businesses must continuously look for ways to stay agile and competitive. Cloud elasticity is one of the primary tools that has risen to help these organizations accomplish this. Cloud elasticity is a fundamental concept in cloud computing services that enables organizations to scale their resources up or […]

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In today’s rapidly and constantly evolving digital landscape, businesses must continuously look for ways to stay agile and competitive. Cloud elasticity is one of the primary tools that has risen to help these organizations accomplish this.

Cloud elasticity is a fundamental concept in cloud computing services that enables organizations to scale their resources up or down according to demand dynamically. This article will provide an in-depth look into the fundamentals of how cloud elasticity works in cloud platforms and what that means for businesses.

It will also delve into its advantages to shed light on why it has become a crucial component of modern IT infrastructure, as well as its disadvantages to help you mitigate them.

What is Cloud Elasticity?

Within the immense ecosystem of cloud services such as Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and AWS is a concept known as cloud elasticity. This concept stands out as a fundamental enabler of efficiency and flexibility. Cloud elasticity, also known as auto-scaling, refers to a core feature of cloud computing platforms that enables organizations to change their computing resources based on real-time workload changes dynamically.

Unlike cloud scalability, which entails meeting the static increase in workload demands, cloud elasticity entails meeting dynamic changes, where the need for resources can increase or decrease.

It is the concept of having an organization’s cloud infrastructure automatically contract or expand as needed to ensure optimal resource allocation, performance, and cost-effectiveness. Elasticity is a fundamental characteristic of cloud computing and a core component of the as-a-service, or aaS, model, specifically in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).

Think of it as a rubber band that contracts and stretches according to how much tension you apply. Within the cloud environments, your existing infrastructure can stretch to accommodate high demand and contract during periods of decreased activity to ensure you do not over-provision resources and incur unnecessary costs.

To better comprehend cloud elasticity, one must understand its underlying principles. These principles include on-demand resource allocation, automated trigger mechanisms, vertical and horizontal scaling, and a pay-per-use model.

On-demand provisioning

On-demand provisioning refers to a fundamental principle of cloud elasticity which deals with allocating resources whenever necessary, which is why some refer to it as on-demand resource allocation.

This principle entails that you can instantly allocate additional network resources, computing power, or storage capacity whenever a surge in demand occurs. Similarly, when the market reduces, you can release said resources to minimize costs.

Automated scaling

Cloud elasticity is heavily reliant on automation. Intelligent policies and algorithms keep tabs on resource usage and trigger scaling events as needed to reduce the need for manual intervention.

This automation ensures that applications can maintain performance without constant monitoring, adjustments, and modifications.

Resource pools

Cloud service providers maintain enormous resource pools that are accessible to their users. These pools include storage, networking components, and virtual machines.

Elasticity takes advantage of these pools to allocate resources as needed to ensure users have access to said resources without requiring upfront provisioning.


Elasticity aligns with the pay-per-use billing model, which means users only get charged for the resources they use during peak demand periods. This model makes it a cost-effective solution compared to more traditional on-premises infrastructure which entails provisioning cloud resources in advance.

Pros of Cloud Elasticity

Now that you better understand how cloud elasticity works, it is time to delve into the benefits. Here is a list of substantial advantages cloud elasticity brings to individuals and businesses across various industries and sectors.

1. Cost optimization

Cost optimization is one of the most compelling advantages of cloud elasticity, as it enables organizations to avoid over-provisioning resources that can lead to unnecessary costs. By dynamically scaling resources to keep up with demand, organizations gain the ability to optimize their spending, enabling them to pay only for resources they utilize at any given time.

This level of flexibility can result in substantial cost savings, especially when compared to traditional infrastructure, where excess capacity typically lies dormant and wasted.

2. Improved performance

Elasticity plays a critical role in ensuring the consistency of application performance. When traffic spikes occur because of sudden surges in demand or user activity, cloud elasticity enables applications to scale up their resources to handle the increased load seamlessly.

This dynamic scaling ensures the application maintains availability and responsiveness to deliver an exceptional user experience despite peak usage periods.

3. Enhanced reliability

The reliability of services and applications is a critical concern for businesses, and cloud elasticity contributes massively to boosting reliability. Cloud elasticity minimizes the risk of outages or performance degradation during peak usage to ensure that critical services and applications remain available and perform optimally.

This increase in reliability is a significant factor in maintaining customer satisfaction and trust.

4. Quick response to market changes

The business landscape is consistently and rapidly evolving, which makes it a requirement for businesses to adapt promptly to shifting market conditions. Cloud elasticity empowers organizations to respond quickly to market shifts by scaling their resources up or down in real time.

This agility allows these organizations to address challenges, stay competitive, and seize opportunities in a constantly evolving environment.

5. Resource efficiency

Elasticity supports resource efficiency by ensuring optimal resource utilization, eliminating the need for manual adjustments, and constant resource provisioning. Organizations can maximize resource utilization by dynamically allocating resources based on demand to reduce wastage.

This aligns with green IT initiatives and results in cost savings to promote sustainability.

6. Business continuity

Ensuring their business continuity is a high priority for organizations, and cloud elasticity can provide the infrastructure needed to support business continuity and disaster recovery plans. In a disruption or failure, cloud elasticity enables the quick deployment of backup resources to minimize data loss and downtime.

7. Flexibility and experimentation

Innovation often requires experimentation, and cloud elasticity can provide a flexible environment for testing innovations and ideas. Organizations can rapidly experiment with new features, conduct A/B testing, and spin up test environments without significant upfront investment in infrastructure.

This flexibility can accelerate the development and deployment of new services and solutions.

8. Global reach

For organizations with a global presence or aspirations, cloud elasticity provides the benefit of rapidly expanding into new markets or regions. Cloud providers have distributed data centers worldwide, allowing organizations to deploy resources closer to their target audiences, reducing latency and enhancing the user experience for customers worldwide.

9. Predictive analytics

Elasticity does not only react to current demand but can also be utilized proactively through predictive analytics. Companies can forecast future resource requirements by analyzing historical usage trends and patterns and proactively scale their infrastructure to meet the predicted demand.

This predictive approach further boosts performance and cost efficiency.

10. DevOps and continuous integration/continuous deployment or CI/CD

Cloud elasticity is a natural fit for DevOps practices and continuous integration/deployment or CI/CD pipelines, which enable developers to rapidly build, test, and deploy applications in a scalable and automated environment. It streamlines the development process, facilitates faster time-to-market of new features and updates, and shortens release cycles.

Cons of Cloud Elasticity

While cloud elasticity offers several significant benefits, it is not free from its fair share of challenges and considerations. It is essential to learn about these drawbacks in order to make informed decisions about getting around them.

1. Cost management complexity

While cloud elasticity can help reduce costs, it can also introduce challenges in cost management, such as variable costs, underutilization, and cost monitoring. Organizations must carefully monitor and optimize resource usage to avoid unexpected expenses.

2. Vendor lock-in

Vendor lock-in is when a customer becomes too dependent on a specific vendor’s products, technologies, or services. This level of dependence has reached the extent where it is costly or difficult to switch to an alternative solution or vendor.

Over-reliance on one cloud provider’s elasticity features can lead to vendor lock-in, which makes it challenging to adopt a multi-cloud strategy or switch providers.

3. Latency concerns

Latency issues in cloud elasticity are critical when managing elastic cloud-based systems. Latency is the delay or time it takes for data to travel between the source and the destination in a networked system.

In cloud elasticity, latency concerns significantly impact your applications’ performance and user experience. Some primary aspects of latency concerns in cloud elasticity include resource scaling latency, data transfer latency, and microservices communication.

4. Security and compliance

Cloud elasticity introduces complex security and compliance challenges such as identity and access management, or IAM; data security and privacy; and compliance management. Businesses must ensure they properly secure resources and meet the necessary compliance requirements as they scale up and down.

5. Operational challenges

Despite offering significant advantages in flexibility and scalability, cloud elasticity also presents operational challenges such as performance monitoring, capacity planning, and logging and debugging.

This is because implementing and managing elastic resources requires a significant change in operational practices. This shift makes monitoring tools and automation critical to ensuring the effective utilization of resources.

The Purpose of Cloud Elasticity

Since cloud elasticity allows businesses to dynamically adjust their computing resources in real time in order to meet changing demands, its use cases and capabilities have far-reaching implications across various industries. Here are some of the most well-known practical applications of cloud elasticity that cover a variety of industries, from finance and healthcare to media and gaming.

E-commerce and retail

E-commerce platforms often experience massive fluctuations in web traffic, especially during promotional events or holiday seasons. Cloud elasticity allows these businesses to scale their infrastructure to accommodate surges in traffic and ensure a seamless shopping experience for their customers.

One excellent example is the public cloud solution Amazon Web Services, or AWS, which provides Auto Scaling that automatically adjusts the number of web servers to facilitate varying levels of web traffic.

Media and entertainment

Streaming services like Netflix, Disney+, and Amazon Prime Video rely heavily on cloud elasticity to simultaneously deliver content to millions of viewers. By dynamically scaling their server capacity according to viewer demand, these platforms ensure seamless streaming experiences without over or under-provisioning resources regardless of peak hours.


In the healthcare industry, cloud elasticity plays a crucial role in handling data-intensive tasks, such as genomic analysis and medical image processing. Research institutions and hospitals can scale their computing resources when needed to more efficiently diagnose illnesses, provide better patient care, and accelerate research.


Financial institutions require high-performance computing for fraud detection, algorithmic trading, and risk assessment. Cloud elasticity allows these institutions to allocate additional computational resources during peak trading hours and scale down when demands are quiet to optimize costs while maintaining responsiveness.


The gaming industry has witnessed a change toward cloud-based gaming platforms like Microsoft’s Project xCloud and Google Stadia. Cloud elasticity ensures that players experience low-latency gameplay by dynamically allocating computing power based on real-time demand to reduce the need for upgrading high-end gaming hardware like top-of-the-line CPUs and GPUs.

Startups and small businesses

Elastic computing is a game-changer for small businesses and startups that need to compete with larger enterprises despite their limited resources. It enables them to scale their existing infrastructure as their user base grows without making massive upfront investments in data servers or centers.

Reap the Benefits of Cloud Elasticity

Cloud elasticity has become a fundamental aspect of modern IT infrastructure and an invaluable asset to IT managers by providing numerous advantages to organizations seeking to remain agile, cost-effective, and responsive to changing demands. However, it is not without its challenges, including the potential for vendor lock-in, cost management complexity, and security concerns.

Businesses must carefully plan, automate, and monitor their elastic computing resources to reap the benefits of cloud elasticity while mitigating the drawbacks. By doing so, they can optimize costs, enhance reliability, and support innovation in an increasingly dynamic and competitive digital landscape.

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How to Find the Best Deal on Cloud Storage Pricing Sun, 16 Apr 2023 18:54:12 +0000 Have you ever looked at your cloud storage pricing fees and wondered if you’re paying too much? With so many options for storing your files, photos, and documents in the cloud, it can take time to determine which service offers the best value. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll walk […]

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Have you ever looked at your cloud storage pricing fees and wondered if you’re paying too much? With so many options for storing your files, photos, and documents in the cloud, it can take time to determine which service offers the best value. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll walk you through some of the top cloud storage providers and show you how to compare plans and pricing to find the perfect solution for your needs and budget. By the time you’re done reading, you’ll be an expert at scoring the best deal on cloud storage pricing. Ready to start saving some cash? Let’s dive in.

Understanding Cloud Storage Pricing Models

So you need cloud storage but need to know which pricing model is right for you. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.


This flexible option charges you based only on how much storage you use each month. This is a great choice if you have fluctuating needs or are just starting. Prices are usually lowest here, around $0.03 per GB per month.

Fixed Rate Plans

If you have a predictable amount of storage each month, a fixed rate plan locks in a monthly price so you can budget easily. Plans start around $5 to $10 per month for 50-500GB. The more space you commit to, the lower the cost per GB.

Annual Plans

For the biggest savings, pay for a whole year of storage upfront. You get the lowest per GB rates, often around $0.02 per GB monthly or less. Annual plans of 1TB typically start under $100 per year. If you know you’ll use the space long-term, this option can save you some serious cash. The cloud storage market is competitive, so shop at places like Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, and iCloud. Compare plans based on your needs and budget. And feel free to ask if they offer discounts for students, teachers, or nonprofits. With the right pricing model and provider, you’ll get the storage you need without paying more than you should. Now, isn’t that a relief?

Comparing Top Providers on Features and Cost

When it comes to choosing a cloud storage provider, you have a lot of options. How do you pick the right one for your needs and budget? Here are some of the major players and what they offer:


A popular and user-friendly option, Dropbox offers 2GB of free storage and paid plans starting at $9.99/month for 1TB. They have apps for all major platforms and make it easy to sync files between devices. However, they tend to be pricier than competitors and have fewer advanced features for business use.

Google Drive

If you’re already a Google user, Google Drive integrates seamlessly with Gmail, Photos, and more. They provide 15GB of free storage and 100GB for $1.99/month. With robust features, Google Drive works well for personal and business use, but some find the interface confusing and options overwhelming.


Microsoft’s OneDrive gives you 5GB free, and Office 365 subscribers get 1TB of storage included. Paid plans start at $1.99/month for 100GB. OneDrive has simple file sharing and built-in Office apps, making it a convenient choice if you frequently use Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. However, it needs collaboration features of other services and works best for Windows and Office users.

Ultimately, the best deal depends on how much storage you need, what platforms and devices you use, and any advanced features important to your needs. Compare plans from different providers to find the perfect solution at a price that fits your budget. With so many great options available, you really can’t go wrong!

Tips for Getting the Best Cloud Storage Pricing

To get the best deal on cloud storage pricing, here are a few tips:

Compare plans from different providers

Don’t just go with the first provider you find. Compare plans from at least 3-4 top companies like Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive and iCloud. Look at features like storage amounts, file-sharing options, and security to find what meets your needs. Pricing can vary quite a bit between providers for similar services.

Look for promo offers and discounts

Many cloud storage companies frequently run promotions offering discounts of 50-75% off the regular price for the first year. You can find coupon codes on sites like RetailMeNot that can save you even more. Taking advantage of a promo deal is a great way to try out a service at a lower cost. You can easily switch to a different provider if it’s not the best option after a year.

Opt for annual billing

If there’s a cloud storage service you love and plan to use long-term, paying annually instead of monthly can save you 10-20% per year. Although the upfront cost seems higher, the savings over time can add up. Companies may even offer additional storage amounts at no extra cost when you pay annually.

Look for bundled options

Some cloud storage providers offer bundled plans that include additional services like online file syncing, photo storage, or office apps. Bundled plans typically provide the features at a lower combined price than purchasing each service separately. See if a bundled option could meet more of your needs at a better overall value. Comparing plans, finding deals and discounts, choosing annual billing and bundled services are all simple ways to cut costs on your cloud storage needs. With a little research, you’ll be well on your way to getting the storage you need at the best possible price.


So there you have a few tips to help you navigate the waters of cloud storage pricing and find the best deal. Now you’re armed with knowledge about the major players in the market; you can compare plans and find one that suits your needs and budget. Only get locked into an expensive, long-term contract if you need to. Look for intro offers, bundles, and ways to save. Remember, your data is valuable, so choose a provider you trust to keep it safe and accessible when you need it. With some savvy searching, you’ll quickly store your files in the cloud and keep more money in your pocket. Happy hunting!

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How Does Cloud Scaling Work? Mon, 13 Mar 2023 08:39:19 +0000 If your business is ready to expand but you feel constrained by your physical situation, then cloud scaling is an excellent solution for you. Cloud scaling is a powerful method of increasing how much you get done by digitally simplifying tasks. This means that scaling your business through the cloud is incredibly cost-effective. You can […]

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If your business is ready to expand but you feel constrained by your physical situation, then cloud scaling is an excellent solution for you. Cloud scaling is a powerful method of increasing how much you get done by digitally simplifying tasks.

This means that scaling your business through the cloud is incredibly cost-effective. You can increase your productivity without having to increase overhead or labor expenses.

If you’re not familiar with the cloud or its scalability, then it might be overwhelming when trying to determine what solutions are best for you. While cloud scaling is valuable, you can’t use a product that you don’t understand. To provide some clarity, we’ll break down how cloud scaling works below!

What Is Cloud Scaling?

First, you need to understand what cloud scaling is. Scaling through the cloud is the ability to adjust IT resources to suit whatever a business’ unique needs are at a given time. This is usually done by either adjusting storage space and processing power or adding servers.

As you likely know, business demand can vary greatly depending on the time of the year. It can be difficult to adequately prepare for months with low demand and high demand simultaneously.

This is where cloud scaling can be very useful. You can use the cloud to modify how many network resources you need depending on your demand. Better yet, you only have to pay for the resources you are using so waste is minimal.

Cloud Elasticity

A similar term when it comes to increasing network capacity is cloud elasticity. This is very similar to cloud scaling, but its purpose and length of use are what differentiate it.

While cloud scaling is used to address ongoing changes in demand, cloud elasticity is used to meet more spontaneous changes in demand. It is typically used by smaller businesses that are experiencing unusual spikes in how many clients they are receiving.

With this in mind, cloud elasticity is a poor long-term strategy for addressing demand and will only result in high costs and inefficient performance if used extensively. On the other hand, cloud scaling is a sustainable long-term approach to meeting changes in demand.

Vertical Scaling

Typically the first approach to cloud scaling involves vertical scaling. This method entails directly increasing network resources to improve output without adding a server. Instead, additions are more minor in the form of extra storage drives and CPU cores to boost capacity and power. 

This means that vertical scaling is highly accessible and appealing for a low-commitment approach to increasing how much you can get done. Making changes to your network infrastructure can be difficult and costly, which is what vertical scaling achieves.

An easy way to envision this is choosing to upgrade the physical parts of your computer rather than buying a new computer entirely. With vertical scaling, you focus on optimizing what you already have.

Horizontal Scaling

The other approach to cloud scaling is horizontal scaling. In this strategy, the network is boosted by adding additional servers and greatly increasing output capacity. As a result, horizontal scaling is a far more powerful approach because the size factor is much larger. 

Imagine that your data is cars and your network channels are lanes of traffic. When your data/cars have just one lane of traffic, this is their limit. If you add another lane, you suddenly double the capacity and allow much more to get through.

You are effectively adding new lanes of traffic for your data to travel, minimizing the strain on existing channels and increasing your total capabilities. This means horizontal scaling focuses on changing and adding to your network infrastructure.

Diagonal Scaling

While vertical and horizontal scaling are different approaches to attaining the same goal, they can also be used simultaneously. This is called diagonal scaling and it is a highly efficient way of managing your network resources.

When you are cloud scaling diagonally, your network will use existing infrastructure and resources to handle incoming demand. When that demand exceeds current capabilities, the network will then add additional servers as necessary to meet new demand levels.

This approach is intuitive and effectively keeps your network where it needs to be at any given time without constant oversight from you.  

Cloud Scaling Your Business

With all of this information put together, you now might be wondering if cloud scaling is worth it for your business. 

Every business has unique needs depending on the field you operate in and the resulting nature and frequency of your clients. Take it a step further and how a business operates also affects their network traffic.

With so many variables at play, the only question you need to answer is what you need from the cloud. If you know that your business is looking to grow and you need innovative solutions to meet this change, then cloud scaling will simplify the process.

Good implementation of cloud scaling will result in greater network performance, the flexibility to meet varying business needs, and the stability to ensure everything stays running smoothly.

Closing Thoughts

Cloud scaling is a cutting-edge approach to increasing your network capabilities. Your data needs and total traffic will likely vary depending on the time of year and you need to be ready to accommodate this.

This is easily achievable through the use of cloud scaling, which is the ability of your business to add IT resources to meet varying demand levels. It is different from cloud elasticity, which focuses on short-term issues that aren’t regular occurrences for smaller businesses.

When using cloud scaling, there are two strategies employed. The first is vertical scaling, which involves adding more CPU power and storage to increase capacity. Horizontal scaling is the other technique, which adds new servers to greatly boost capacity.

These paired together make diagonal scaling, which is the best way to be ready for any changes your business might need to make! If you need more network power and want the most cost-effective approach, then cloud scaling is your answer!

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SAP S/4HANA Cloud: The Gateway to Work-Life Balance for Senior Management Sun, 19 Feb 2023 06:44:35 +0000 Work-life balance – it’s the elusive grail that countless senior managers have chased, often with limited success. The relentless demands of senior management roles have traditionally meant 24/7 availability, late nights at the office, performance and profit pressures that perpetually cause buzzing smartphones at the dinner table, and the list goes on. But what if […]

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Work-life balance – it’s the elusive grail that countless senior managers have chased, often with limited success. The relentless demands of senior management roles have traditionally meant 24/7 availability, late nights at the office, performance and profit pressures that perpetually cause buzzing smartphones at the dinner table, and the list goes on. But what if there were a game-changer, a technological marvel that could flip the script? That‘s what SAP S/4HANA Cloud implementation can do. 

The Balancing Act

Imagine you’re a seasoned senior executive in a multinational corporation. Your days are a whirlwind of meetings, strategy sessions, and putting out fires. Your smartphone is your constant companion, and your nights are plagued with the dread of the next day’s chaos.

Then, you transition to SAP S/4HANA Cloud. Suddenly, those endless spreadsheets and reports become streamlined, and accessible from anywhere, at any time. You gain real-time insights that used to take hours to compile. Life transforms, and you can now leave the office on time and even make it to your daughter’s soccer game.

The Power of Integration

SAP S/4HANA Cloud integrates all aspects of management, from finance to human resources. Let’s take a Chief Financial Officer, for instance. Previously, his/her team spent weeks reconciling financial data. Now, SAP S/4HANA Cloud automates this process, giving him/her team more time to strategize and innovate.

Mobility Redefined

SAP S/4 HANA Cloud isn’t confined to the office either. It grants senior management the freedom to manage operations on the go. A CEO can now access real-time sales data from his smartphone while at his son’s school play. This mobility frees him from the desk and the confines of the office, ultimately improving his work-life balance.

Unified Data Repository

SAP S/4HANA Cloud serves as a unified repository for all critical business data. With all essential information accessible in one place, senior managers like the Chief Marketing Officer can quickly pull up the latest customer trends, financial reports, and inventory status without sifting through multiple systems. This streamlining saves precious hours and fosters better decision-making.

Scalability and Flexibility 

SAP S/4HANA Cloud implementation ensures scalability and flexibility. Even in an era of rapid expansion, senior management can avoid the complexities and downtime associated with traditional software updates. For instance, a Head of Operations can seamlessly add new users and modules as the company grows, without disrupting his/her well-deserved downtime.

Enhanced Security

Data security is paramount, especially for senior managers handling sensitive information. SAP S/4HANA Cloud is equipped with state-of-the-art security measures. Now, for example, Chief Information Officer can rest easy knowing that sensitive data is safeguarded, allowing him/her to relax with his family without the constant worry of a data breach.

Global Collaboration

Senior management often deals with cross-border operations, making global collaboration essential. After SAP S/4HANA Cloud implementation, a Senior Vice President, for incidence, can collaborate seamlessly with international teams. Whether it’s approving decisions or collaborating on projects, he/she can maintain a balance between professional commitments and personal life.

Future-Proofing Senior Management

For senior managers, keeping an eye on the future is crucial. With SAP S/4HANA Cloud integration, planning becomes predictive. A Chief Strategy Officer can leverage machine learning algorithms to anticipate market trends. He/she can now enjoy family dinners while receiving alerts about shifts in market demand.

It’s Time to Actually Do It and to Save More Time!

As the senior management strives to bring the SAP S/4HANA Cloud change in the organization and embed it in the organizational culture, this is where Uneecops comes into the picture. Uneecops is a member of United VARs, which is an SAP Platinum Partner. With our extensive experience of SAP implementation across various industries, Uneecops offers an array of services tailored to meet the needs of senior management.

With over 200 SAP S/4HANA consultants, Uneecops specializes in the implementation, migration, and application of HANA Cloud. With our deep knowledge and experience in SAP solutions, Uneecops can ensure a smooth and successful transition to SAP S/4HANA Cloud. Moreover, Uneecops understands the importance of work-life balance and the need for organizations to prioritize their employees’ well-being. We are committed to supporting organizations in achieving work-life balance by providing comprehensive support and guidance throughout the implementation process. In addition to our expertise, Uneecops offers a range of services and solutions that can further enhance work-life balance for senior management. These include SAP value assurance, which covers every possible project stage and scenario to assist users in the SAP ERP landscape to SAP S/4HANA Cloud migration.

Leverage Tech Automation, Build Your L.I.V.E. Enterprise to Work and LIVE better!

SAP S/4HANA Cloud is not just a tool; it’s a revolution. It’s the gateway to work-life balance that senior management has yearned for, and it’s not a luxury but a necessity in the age of digital transformation. Whether you’re a CFO, CEO, or CSO, Uneecops empowers you to achieve efficiency, seize innovation, and rediscover what work-life balance truly means with our SAP S/4HANA Cloud implementation solutions. We’re infusing people, processes, and technologies to build L.I.V.E. enterprises.

As, we know, time is the ultimate currency, and SAP S/4HANA Cloud is the key to spending it wisely. Are you ready to redefine your work-life balance? It starts with a simple choice – embracing the future, today.

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What is Cloud App Development? Mon, 09 Jan 2023 16:28:05 +0000 Cloud app development is a software development process that creates applications that run on cloud computing services. In other words, cloud app development is the process of building and deploying applications that utilize cloud resources and infrastructure. Traditionally, software development involved building applications for on-premises servers or personal computers. However, with the advent of cloud […]

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Cloud app development is a software development process that creates applications that run on cloud computing services. In other words, cloud app development is the process of building and deploying applications that utilize cloud resources and infrastructure.

Traditionally, software development involved building applications for on-premises servers or personal computers. However, with the advent of cloud computing, developers can leverage a wide range of cloud services and resources to build, test, and deploy their applications. Cloud app development enables developers to focus on creating applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure, allowing them to be more agile and responsive to changing business needs.

Cloud app development has become a crucial aspect of modern software development. With the increasing adoption of cloud technology, more and more businesses are leveraging the benefits of cloud-based applications to improve their operations. In this article, we will explore what cloud app development is, how it works, and its benefits. But before we dive into the specifics of cloud app development, let’s take a brief look at the history and evolution of cloud technology.

Evolution of Cloud Technology

Cloud technology has evolved significantly since its inception in the 1960s when mainframe computers were used to share computing resources among users. However, it wasn’t until the late 1990s that cloud computing began to take shape with the emergence of the internet and the availability of high-speed networks.

One of the first cloud services was Salesforce, which was launched in 1999 as a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform. It allowed businesses to manage customer data and interact with clients in real time. In the early 2000s, Amazon Web Services (AWS) launched as one of the first Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers, offering cloud storage, processing power, and other resources to businesses.

In 2006, Google launched Google Apps, a cloud-based productivity suite that included email, word processing, and other office tools. This marked the beginning of the cloud application era, with many companies quickly adopting cloud technology to streamline their operations.

Since then, cloud technology has continued to evolve, with the emergence of Platform as a Service (PaaS) providers like Heroku and Microsoft Azure. Today, cloud computing has become an integral part of modern technology, enabling businesses of all sizes to scale their operations and leverage the power of the cloud to drive innovation and growth.

Advantages of Cloud App Development

Cloud app development services offer many advantages over traditional software development. Here are some of the key advantages:

  1. Flexibility and scalability: Cloud platforms offer great flexibility and scalability, allowing businesses to quickly and easily scale their resources up or down as needed. This means that companies can adapt to changing business needs and avoid over-provisioning or under-provisioning resources.
  2. Cost efficiency: Compared to traditional software development, the cost of developing cloud-based apps can be lower because companies are not required to invest in costly infrastructure and hardware. They can instead opt for a pay-as-you-go model, where they only pay for what they use.
  3. Security and reliability: Robust security and reliability features such as data encryption, regular backups, and disaster recovery options are commonly offered by cloud platforms. As a result, businesses can be assured that their data is secure and that their apps will be accessible when necessary, providing them with greater peace of mind.
  4. Accessibility and collaboration: Cloud app development enables remote access and collaboration, making it easier for teams to work together on projects from anywhere in the world. This can improve productivity and streamline workflows, as team members can access the same resources and data in real time.
  5. Quick & easy deployment: Since the application is hosted on the cloud, updates can be made and deployed instantly, without the need for manual installations or updates on individual user devices. This ensures that users always have access to the latest version of the application and its features, leading to a better user experience and increased productivity.

Overall, cloud app development offers numerous advantages that can help businesses become more efficient, flexible, and secure.

Cloud App Development Process

Developing a cloud app necessitates meticulous planning and implementation. This segment will enumerate six essential phases that can assist you in creating a prosperous neobank app. These phases encompass ideation, planning, design, selecting tech stack and development, testing, deployment, and maintenance. Together, these steps can serve as a framework to aid you in navigating the app development process.

Step 1: Ideation 

Ideation is a crucial step in the cloud app development process. It involves generating and refining ideas for the app and determining its core features and functionalities. During this stage, developers work closely with stakeholders to understand their needs and requirements, and to identify potential challenges and opportunities.

Ideation can take many forms, including brainstorming sessions, user surveys, and market research. The goal is to generate a clear and compelling vision for the app that aligns with the needs and goals of the business and its customers.

Once the ideation process is complete, the development team can move on to planning and design, where they will create detailed specifications for the app’s architecture, user interface, and functionality. This sets the foundation for the development and testing phases, which involve building and refining the app until it is ready for deployment.

Step 2: Planning

This step lays the foundation for the success of the project. It involves determining the goals and objectives of the project, defining the scope, and creating a roadmap for the development process. Planning sets the direction for the entire project and ensures that all stakeholders are aligned and working towards the same objectives.

Here are some key considerations for planning cloud app development:

  1. Define the goals and objectives: The first step in planning is to define the goals and objectives of the cloud app. This includes determining the purpose of the application, identifying the target audience, and outlining the key features and functionalities that the app should offer.
  2. Determine the scope: Once the goals and objectives are defined, it is important to determine the scope of the project. This includes identifying the key deliverables, specifying the features and functionalities that will be included in the first release, and determining the timelines and resources required for the development process.
  3. Identify the stakeholders: Identify the stakeholders who will be involved in the project, including developers, designers, testers, project managers, and other key personnel. Determine their roles and responsibilities and establish communication channels to ensure that all stakeholders are aligned and working towards the same objectives.
  4. Create a project plan: Create a project plan that outlines the tasks, timelines, and resources required for the development process. Identify the critical path of the project and create milestones to track progress. Use project management tools and techniques to manage the project and ensure that it stays on track.
  5. Assess risks and mitigation strategies: Identify potential risks that could impact the project and develop mitigation strategies to minimize their impact. This includes assessing technical risks, such as scalability and security, as well as business risks, such as market competition and changing user needs.

Step 3: Design

UX/UI design typically follows the requirements gathering and analysis phase. UX/UI design involves the creation of an interface that is user-friendly, intuitive, and visually appealing. The design should be tailored to the specific needs and preferences of the application’s users, and it should be optimized for efficiency and ease of use.

Here are some key considerations for the UX/UI design step in cloud app development:

  1. User-Centered Design: The design should be centered around the needs and preferences of the application’s users. The design team should conduct user research to gain insights into user behavior, preferences, and pain points, and use this information to inform the design process.
  2. Visual Design: The visual design of the application is important for creating a user-friendly interface. The design should be visually appealing and easy to understand, using color, typography, and imagery to guide the user’s attention and convey information.
  3. Information Architecture: The information architecture of the application should be designed to make it easy for users to find the information they need. This involves organizing information in a logical and intuitive way and using navigation tools such as menus, buttons, and links to guide users through the application.
  4. Interaction Design: Interaction design is the design of the user’s interaction with the application. The design team should consider how users will interact with the application and create an interface that is intuitive and easy to use, with clear calls-to-action and feedback mechanisms.

Step 4: Development 

It’s time to choose a cloud provider. The major cloud providers are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Each cloud provider has its strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose a provider that best suits your needs.

Once a cloud provider has been chosen, the next step is to choose a cloud service. Cloud services provide a range of features and functionality that can be used to build and deploy cloud applications. Some of the most commonly used cloud services include:

  1. Compute services – provide processing power to run applications.
  2. Storage services – provide a place to store data.
  3. Database services – provide a managed database service that can be used to store application data.
  4. Networking services – provide connectivity between cloud resources.
  5. Security services – provide security features to protect cloud resources.

After choosing a cloud provider and a set of cloud services, the next step is to design the application architecture. This involves defining the components of the application and how they will interact with each other. The application architecture should be designed to be scalable, fault-tolerant, and highly available to ensure that the application can handle changing workloads and remain available even in the face of failures.

Once the application architecture has been defined, the next step is to start building the application. This involves writing code, testing the application, and integrating it with other components of the application. In cloud app development, best chat app developers, for example, can use a variety of programming languages and frameworks to build their applications. The most popular include:

  1. JavaScript: JavaScript is a popular programming language used for both front-end and back-end development. It is used with frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue for building front-end interfaces, and with Node.js for server-side development.
  2. Python: Python is a versatile programming language used for web development, data analysis, and machine learning. It is commonly used with web frameworks like Django and Flask for building web applications.
  3. Java: Java is a widely-used programming language for building enterprise-level applications. It is often used with frameworks like Spring and Hibernate for building web applications and RESTful APIs.
  4. PHP: PHP is a popular scripting language used for building web applications. It is commonly used with frameworks like Laravel and Symfony for building web applications.
  5. Go: Go is a newer programming language designed for building scalable, high-performance applications. It is often used with frameworks like Gin and Revel for building web applications.
  6. Kotlin: Kotlin is a modern, multi-purpose programming language used for building Android applications, web applications, and server-side applications. It is commonly used with frameworks like Spring and Ktor for building web applications.

However, the selection of the right programming language and framework depends on various factors, including the application requirements, the development team’s expertise, and the desired features and functionality of the application.

Step 4: Testing 

The goal of this stage is to ensure that the application is reliable, secure, and performs well under various conditions.

Here are some common types of testing used in cloud app development:

  1. Unit testing involves testing individual units or components of the application to ensure that they function as intended. 
  2. Integration testing: This type of testing involves testing how different components of the application work together to ensure that they integrate properly. 
  3. Performance testing: Performance testing helps to test the application’s performance under various conditions, such as heavy load or high traffic. 
  4. Security testing involves testing the application’s security features to ensure that they are effective in protecting the application and user data from threats such as hacking, malware, or unauthorized access.
  5. User acceptance testing: During this testing, the application is tested with end-users to ensure that it meets their requirements and is easy to use. 

Overall, testing is a critical stage in cloud app development that helps to ensure that the application functions as intended, is reliable, secure, and performs well under various conditions. By performing various types of testing throughout the development process, organizations can identify and fix errors and bugs before the application is deployed to production, which can help to ensure its success.

Step 5: Deployment and Maintenance 

These are the final stages in the development of cloud-based applications. These stages involve deploying the application to the production environment and maintaining it to ensure that it continues to function as intended.

Deployment involves moving the application from the development environment to the production environment. This can involve configuring servers, databases, and other resources necessary for the application to run in a production environment. The deployment process should be carefully planned and executed to minimize the risk of downtime or other issues.

Maintenance involves ongoing monitoring and management of the application to ensure that it continues to function as intended. This can involve tasks such as applying updates and patches, monitoring performance, and troubleshooting issues as they arise. Maintenance can also involve adding new features or functionality to the application based on user feedback or changing business requirements.

Challenges of Cloud App Development

Cloud app development has become increasingly popular in recent years due to the benefits of scalability, cost efficiency, and flexibility. However, it also comes with its own set of challenges that developers must overcome. Here are three major challenges that developers face when building cloud applications. Let’s examine them in detail. 

Integration with legacy systems

Many organizations have existing legacy systems, such as databases or applications, that are crucial to their business operations. Integrating these systems with cloud applications can be challenging, as they may not be designed to work with modern cloud architectures. This can result in compatibility issues, data inconsistencies, and performance problems.

To overcome this challenge, developers need to carefully plan their integration strategy and consider using middleware solutions that can bridge the gap between legacy systems and cloud applications. They should also consider building APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that enable seamless communication between different systems.

Data privacy and compliance

Cloud applications often require access to sensitive data, such as personal information or financial data. As such, developers must ensure that their applications comply with relevant data privacy regulations, such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).

To address this challenge, developers should implement security measures such as data encryption, access controls, and data backup and recovery solutions. They should also work closely with their cloud service provider to ensure that their applications meet compliance requirements.

Vendor lock-in and portability 

Cloud applications are built on proprietary cloud platforms, which can result in vendor lock-in. This means that it can be difficult or expensive to migrate the application to a different cloud provider or on-premises infrastructure.

To mitigate this challenge, developers should consider using open-source technologies and cloud-agnostic tools and frameworks that are designed to work across different cloud platforms. They should also plan for the future and design their applications to be easily portable and scalable to different environments.

Future Trends and Developments in Cloud Technology and App Development

Cloud technology and app development have been evolving rapidly in recent years, and there are several emerging trends and developments that are expected to shape the future of these industries. Here are some of the key trends and developments to watch for:

  1. Serverless computing: Also known as Function-as-a-Service (FaaS), is a cloud computing model in which the cloud provider manages the infrastructure and automatically allocates resources as needed, allowing developers to focus on writing code without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.
  2. Edge computing: This is a distributed computing model in which data processing and storage are moved closer to the edge of the network, enabling faster processing and reduced latency. This is particularly useful for applications that require real-time data processing, such as autonomous vehicles and smart cities.
  3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): AI and ML technologies are being increasingly integrated into cloud platforms and applications, enabling developers to build intelligent, data-driven applications that can learn and adapt over time and features that are tailored to streamline the user experience.
  4. Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud: Multi-cloud and hybrid cloud architectures are becoming more common as organizations seek to leverage the strengths of different cloud providers and on-premises infrastructure to optimize performance, security, and cost-efficiency.
  5. Low-Code/No-Code development: Low-code/no-code development platforms are gaining popularity as they enable developers to build applications quickly and easily, without requiring extensive coding knowledge. This is particularly useful for non-technical users who want to build custom applications without relying on IT departments.
  6. Containerization: It is a technology that allows developers to package applications and their dependencies into self-contained units that can be deployed across different environments without compatibility issues. This technology is becoming increasingly important for cloud-based applications that require portability and scalability.


Cloud app development is a rapidly growing field that is transforming the way businesses and consumers interact with software applications. By leveraging the benefits of cloud computing, such as scalability, cost efficiency, and flexibility, developers can build robust and scalable applications that meet the needs of modern businesses and consumers. However, cloud app development also comes with its own set of challenges, such as integration with legacy systems, data privacy and compliance, and vendor lock-in and portability. 

As cloud technology continues to evolve, developers and product owners will need to stay up-to-date with emerging trends and technologies to build applications that are efficient, intelligent, and future-proof.

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Eisenvault Cloud DMS Review 2023 Tue, 06 Sep 2022 01:55:40 +0000 The Eisenvault Cloud DMS is a highly adaptable cloud-based document management system (DMS) that requires little training time from non-technical staff. It uses a browser-based interface and is compatible with both Apple and Google’s mobile operating systems. It’s available both for on-premises deployment and SaaS access (SaaS). Who Uses Eisenvault? Organizations of various sizes in […]

The post Eisenvault Cloud DMS Review 2023 appeared first on Techdee.

The Eisenvault Cloud DMS is a highly adaptable cloud-based document management system (DMS) that requires little training time from non-technical staff. It uses a browser-based interface and is compatible with both Apple and Google’s mobile operating systems. It’s available both for on-premises deployment and SaaS access (SaaS).

Who Uses Eisenvault?

Organizations of various sizes in the business sector, healthcare, the pharmaceutical industry, higher education, and the financial sector utilize Eisenvault’s document management software.

Eisenvault Features

Safely Access from Anywhere

The EisenVault document management and storage system are accessible from any up-to-date web browser with an internet connection. Your connection is always SSL-secured, so there’s no need to worry about hackers eavesdropping. There is no setup required.

Work Offline with Offline Sync

You may maintain offline document and folder synchronization. Connecting to the Cloud Computing Document Storage over the internet allows any modifications to be immediately reflected in the cloud. You can keep working on your papers even when you’re not connected to the internet (like on a plane). Mac, Windows, and Linux Users Can Use Offline Sync

Access from Mobile Devices

Apps for the iPhone, iPad, and Android are available for use with EisenVault’s cloud-based DMS software. The app provides mobile access to document searching, browsing, and viewing. It’s also usable without an internet connection. EisenVault’s cloud-based platform is the only one compatible with mobile access.

Full-Text Search and Metadata Search
EisenVault uses Optical Character Recognition to index the contents of scanned documents for keyword searching (available in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Chinese, Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia, and Thai). You may improve the efficiency of searching and filtering through your documents by adding your own metadata fields.

Connect with Microsoft Outlook & Gmail
EisenVault’s web-based doc management system is accompanied by an add-on for both Gmail and Microsoft Outlook (including Gsuite email). Using this feature, you can save an email message together with any attachments to EisenVault without ever leaving your inbox.

Edit in Microsoft Office
EisenVault supports in-application editing with the Microsoft Office suite (Excel, Word, and PowerPoint). The DMS will automatically update to reflect any changes made in any of these applications.

Audit Trails & Versioning
A fresh version of the document is always produced if any changes are made to the original. One may choose to see previous versions or even download them. In addition, an Audit Trail records the user ID and time/date of each document activity (view, download, change, etc.).

Workflows and Document Approvals
EisenVault’s cloud-based document management has a built-in workflow engine that may be used to forward papers for approvals. Workflows like this may be tailored to fit your specific needs. A document may be hidden from view until it has been accepted by a checker in a maker-checker flow.

No Constraints or Limits
You may upload any size file without worrying about constraints. Quickly and cheaply increase your storage capacity (our base plan includes a generous 250 GB). Growing the subscriber base is a breeze (our base plan includes a generous 50 users).

Subscription-based Pricing Model
The total cost of ownership is reduced since just the annualized operating costs have to be paid. There is no need for upfront funding. You won’t need to shell out money for specialized gear or licensing fees to use third-party applications (all our software runs on open-source platforms).

Eisenvault Pricing

There is a free 15-day trial period and an annual membership plan for Eisenvaut. If you want a price quotation, you should call them up.  More information: 

Starting from $3000.00/year

Pricing model: Subscription

Free Trial: Available

The Uniqueness of Eisenvault

Document management is simplified with EisenVault’s safe storage and intuitive search and retrieval features. Our cutting-edge cloud-based document management solution meets the needs of a wide range of organizations and professional profiles. EisenVault is a leading provider of cutting-edge, low-priced document management solutions, with an emphasis on digital document management platforms. The Main Characteristics: Archiving Paperwork Digitally The ability to modify documents in real time Integration with Google Docs Revision management Techniques for managing documents in a workflow Having the ability to index and search Work together and social tools. Keep records of audits Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for several languages, including English, Thai, Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, and Nepalese Converting scanned photos to searchable PDFs using optical character recognition A wide variety of file formats (including but not limited to PDF, Word, Docx, OpenOffice, Google Docs, TIFF, JPEG, MP4, DVD, etc.) are supported. Storage in the cloud, hosted on trusted servers Strong encryption suitable for business use Databases are backed up daily. Usage is simple and natural. There is no size restriction on files. Intuitive UI that may be modified to fit individual needs Internet-based and mobile-applicable.

Key Features of EisenVault

  • Audit Trail
  • Search Option
  • Auditing
  • Messaging System
  • Application Sharing
  • Applications Management
  • Document Storage
  • Workflow Management
  • Access Controls
  • Archiving & Retention
  • Compliance Management
  • Collaboration
  • Document Assembly
  • Document Conversion
  • Document Delivery
  • Document Indexing
  • Electronic Signature
  • Email Management
  • OCR
  • Print Management
  • Dashboard
  • Knowledge Base
  • Capture Management

EisenVault Technical Details

Support Business Hours


Customer Type Large Enterprises

Medium Business

Small Business

API Location / Phone Number New Delhi, India / +91 11-3044-6451
Deployment SaaS/Web/Cloud

Mobile – Android

Mobile – iOS

Installed – Windows

Installed – Mac

Official Website
Category Document Management Software


Companies all across the globe rely on EisenVault, a popular document management system (DMS). It’s perfect for companies in education, healthcare, manufacturing, government, and other sectors because of its multilingual optical character recognition (OCR) capabilities. Records like invoices, purchase orders, contracts, personnel files, CAD drawings, and more may all be stored in one secure location using EisenVault. PDFs, PNGs, JPEGs, MP4 movies, and more are all supported by the system.

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